Eleuterio Peguero Rosa: Benefiting from the Delaware Colorectal Cancer Screening Program

Age: 71Wilmington, Delaware

I participated in the colorectal cancer screening program after learning about the importance of screening at a community center in my neighborhood. I had a precancerous polyp removed during my colon test [colonoscopy] and have benefited directly from this statewide effort.

I moved from the Dominican Republic in October 2011, just after I finished treatment for prostate cancer. Not long after I had been here, some doctors and nurses came to the community center in our neighborhood and talked about how everyone should have a test to look for colorectal cancer at age 50. They also gave out some pamphlets about the test and how we could get the test done if we were age 50 or older.

I hadn’t known about having to get this test before I heard the doctors and nurses talk. After my prostate cancer diagnosis in early 2011, which was successfully treated with 35 rounds of radiotherapy, I had decided to look after my health and eat right. So, when I heard about the colon test I decided to make an appointment for it to safeguard my health.

During the test the doctors removed a polyp from my colon and they said that there might be something on the wall of my colon too. I thought I was going to have an operation a few months later but the doctors told me I didn’t have colorectal cancer and that I didn’t need an operation. Instead, they told me to come and have another colon test after a year.

I will be going for another colon test in October. I already have the list of things that I need to buy and things that I need to do to prepare for the test.

The doctors also told me what to eat to keep my colon healthy. I like to eat vegetables and fish. It is very important that you keep yourself healthy and eat right.

Through the program I was looked after very well. It is not so easy to get good medical care in the Dominican Republic and I am very thankful for the very good medical care I received here.

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